AssetWise Inspections

Asset Statuses

Each asset in the system is assigned a status that indicates whether or not the asset is active. Common asset statuses may be "In Service," "Under Construction," or "Archived," but new statuses can be created to meet the agency's record keeping needs.

Create New Asset Status

To create a new asset status, click the Create button in the top right corner of the screen. A new, blank asset status will appear in the list:

  • Name – The Name textbox is a mandatory field, as denoted by the *. The name should be indicative of the status' intended purpose.
  • Archived – If checked, the Archive checkbox indicates that the asset is not currently in service and is hidden from filters, searches, and the Asset Tree views. Archived assets can still be viewed on the Archived Assets page of the Collector module and the Manage Inventory page of the Administration module.
    • Setting assets to "Archived" is commonly used for assets that have been physically removed and therefore need to be hidden within AssetWise Inspections but their data must remain accessible.
  • Default – If checked, the Default checkbox indicates that this asset status will be the default asset status selected in the Asset Status drop-down on the Manage Inventory page when creating a new asset.
  • Delete – Click the symbol to delete the asset status.
    Note: An asset status cannot be deleted if assets are currently assigned to it.
  • Save and Cancel – The Save and Cancel buttons are located at the bottom center of the screen.
    • The Save button saves the changes made to the asset status.
    • The Cancel button cancels any changes made to the asset status.